November 1, 2008

Can't say I didn't try.

So that inevitable crappy morning came- the one where you go to swipe on the last bit of deodorant and the pieces crumble and fall out. 

Except this time, I was jived to start trying my new, improved, all natural stuff. It's lavender scented, filled with magical botanicals like hops and lichens to wisk away any trace of smells...  

Well, it sure smells good in the tube, but it did no magic for me. I was not "fresh and confident all day" as promised, but rather... sticky and... unsure. Sticky, as in, the deodorant was sticky... I literally felt like I had rubbed vaseline in my armpits and unsure if it had offered any real 'deodorant' properties, and after checking at the end of the day... would like to report that it did not.

So I'm willing to give natural another go, but I need something better. Less clear-stick and more solid. I sniffed a few Tom's products the other night, but they also seemed to be in clear-stick form, and I'm just afraid to waste another 6 bucks on a stick I won't use.

For now I'm back to Dove, with all its cancer-causing aluminum. But for now, I'm happy to report, I'm fresh and confident. 

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny.

    I can say Tom's has great natural toothpaste...but have never tried deodorant from them. ....try it and if it fails, consider it a donation to an awesome organization!

