November 2, 2008

Dogpark, meet Darby.

Ever since we realized how much energy we'd gotten ourselves into, I'd been wanting to find a dogpark to bring Darby. After visiting the sleepy Batavia park with it's $40 admission fee and full vaccination check, we drove up to St. Charles and found the perfect little place (free!) to bring our rambunctious pup. The park is fully fenced-- all 37,000 squarefeet-- and has a dedicated area for small dogs, a little agility course, and another field that opens onto a pond-- perfect for the handful of retrievers and water dogs that were launching themselves into the water on the unusually warm afternoon. Darby played in the main area, sniffing, inspecting, and finally bounding after several other playmates. And let me tell you, we had seen a bit of his running skills during backyard ball playing sessions.... but as we witnessed today, the dog can RUN. At full speed, he could easily outrun all the other dogs, and he can turn on a dime. I almost wished we had enrolled him in one of those classes that taught dog agility or something.

After 35 minutes or so, he started to lose interest and get tired... and we hauled home two sleepy, dirty dogs (...and may I add, the entire time Poppy clung near our feet, looking up pitifully.... I could almost hear her asking to be put back in the car.)

Dogs washed...2
Dogs sleeping...2
People satisfied....2


  1. so did you finally get the records from the adoptiong lady?

  2. Yay! A free place to take Darby, shove him out of the car, and sit&read while he exercises himself! Perfect for winter! ;o)
