I'm back.
Vacation was amazing. Much better than I expected, especially since it was just a few days with plans no more complicated than laying on the beach doing nothing. Literally- doing absolutely nothing. Except for drinking margaritas. Or Beer. Or deciding to move to the pool. Or flipping over on the lounge chair.
Yep. Life was full of the tough decisions.
So I'm back. And so is work. And so is the delusional leadership, the communication breakdowns, the lies uncovered, the inflated, unrealistic expectations. The metrics. And the stress. It was actually postulated to me today-- actually came out of my boss' mouth-- The owner hasn't approved getting some part-time help, but one idea he proposed is that you could do sales from 8-5 and then stay to recruit from 5-8pm... and literally, it was 4:45 on a Friday... and I was beyond done killing myself over this job, and I said it-- "Then he can find a new manager."
Yep, there it was. Mountains didn't move and the lights didn't flicker or anything, but I said it. And I didn't care.
I don't care, really, anymore. I mean I care, in that I care about health benefits and paychecks and meaningful work and affording my mortage and the glasses of wine that I drink each night to unwind from this craziness... etc. But I am ONE human being. I am not a department, a company. One person. UNO.
So there's that...
So back to laying on a beach. It was great. And I have more respect for Mexicans now, which sounds terrible and nice all at the same time.
Ps. I think my girl at work might be pregnant with her second kid. She is sniffling through a killer of a sinus infection with no meds. No Tylenol Cold or nothing... she was just going to 'fight it off' ... BAH. PREGGERS.
Thought the 1st: WOO freaking HOO... It's not like I'm ::already:: shortstaffed. Come three quarters from now, I'll be super strapped and up a creek.
Thought the 2nd: She's 31 and on #2, which gives me both pause and reflection, I'mjustsayin....
So what's next for you? I'm excited to see what job you choose next! Let the official job search begin!