November 6, 2009

So, not a Taurus....

Ok Fine.
So you all figured out that it wasn't a Taurus.
It was the possibility of having a horse... for FREE*!

The horse I went up to work with over the summer, (remember those magical late-summer weekends that spurred lovely, lovely visions of life in the country?) is well, open to re-assignment. Jackson needs consistent training, work, and someone to dedicate some serious time to him.

It's especially heart-wrenching because, well, how do you turn down something that you've wanted for, well... FOREVER... for the mere (and very practical reasons) that it's *TOO EXPENSIVE , TOO MUCH COMMITMENT , blah blah blah.

Isn't this the conclusion of every young-adult novel-- that dreams are
(most) always quashed due to very adult, responsible reasons??

So it's up in the air whether he'll remain at his current locale providing companionship for little Ranger, or if he'll be given back to his prior owner. Or... there's always the option...


  1. What a decision! If not this pony, I'm sure they'll be another that needs a good home in future. Good luck with your decision!


  2. :( A Jackson would have been much
    better than a Taurus.
    Maybe someday your life-long dream
    will come true.
