Aren't you getting in the Christmas spirit already? I know,I know... it was just a handful of weekends ago we were out mowing the lawn and burning leaves. But, I'm starting to feel the holiday spirit coming on...
On Saturday, we buzzed over to a lovely greenery/floral place up the street that sells literally dozens of types of winter greens, undoubtedly for mansion-owning Geneva-types to spruce their large cement urns flanking the stately walk to their front door. I'll admit, the prices were steep, but it was so Christmasy and perfect (and there was free mulled cider and cookies.)
I had grand ideas of outfitting every pot and window box at my house with glorious Christmas greens, berries, and twigs, but at those prices...I could only afford two meager collections of red twigs and a sprig of Winterberries.
So, armed with $3 burgundy spraypaint and some twigs I cut off a rogue bush in the back, and voila... my own red twigs, at a fraction of the price.
And I didn't stop there... I found these little beauties in a pile of branches left out by our neighbors for brush pick-up. (Yes, I am not ashamed of walking down the sidewalk, in daylight, armed with pruners)... With a quick gloss of silver spraypaint, they were ready to be put in the mix...
So festive! And much cheaper! So can you tell...which ones are the imposters?
aha! so you've caught the spirit as well :)