October 25, 2008

It's about time...

Let me tell you about Woodman's. It's only the best grocery store in these here parts, undercutting Jewel and Dominicks without even trying and standing up to Meijer with better selection and much, much more wood panelling. Employee-owned and selling crazy good deals like pumpkins for just $3... it's awesome.

But the whole reason I wanted to post this was that I was looking for a great natural products store, something ala this, a fabulous natural products store we visited on our trip to Michigan - half Whole Foods, half Hippy Store on the corner... It was great to actually have some *variety* to choose from when it came to natural/organic products, especially haircare/toiletries.

So today, not expecting much, I checked. And wow. Nearly one side of a whole aisle devoted to organic/natural bath products. More than one choice of natural deodorant, soap, castile soaps, body washes... and more Burts Bees stuff than I knew even existed.
Now, if only I could afford it all....

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Your final line was in my mind too! Natural stuff is always expensive.
