February 6, 2008



I love snow, I do. But this is ridiculous.
I think I shoveled hundreds of pounds of heavy, soaking, slush-snow before the plumber came tonight so we wouldn't look like one of "those people" who don't shovel.

Well. The plumber never came. I guess we do have quite a bit of snow on the ground.

I am ready. Ready for spring, plants, getting outside. And I'm ready to get going on our kitchen.

It's slowly coming along... though you can't see it yet.

We've ordered our 4 glass doors for the wall cabinets, bought our beautiful new appliances (to be delivered) and have consulted plumbers to come out and do the things that need to be done before we can work on the other cabinets and floors. The end is in sight, though it's far off.

I've been obsessing over online galleries of gorgeous cottage kitchens, and I'm determined that if mine comes out even half as beautiful, I'll be elated.

1 comment:

  1. aww... how exciting! after the kitchen, you'll be done forever, right? :)
