So. Last night at midnight, we were under a windchill "warning." Down to -35... the newsman said....
As a side note, if windchills are anything like tornadoes, I've always thought that a 'watch' meant that the conditions were right and a 'warning' was if someone saw it. Either way, someone must have seen some serious windchills, because it was fffrricking cold last night.
Just so happens in our old house, we somehow don't have a radiator in our bedroom. Great, right? Well, not so bad because we bought this little plug-in electric radiator filled with oil that heats up. It's pretty darn effective-- too hot sometimes, but either way, it gets the job done.
So this morning we woke up from our lovely night of sleep, rolled out of bed to a lovely warm bedroom bathed in morning sunlight. We opened the door and were hit with this icy cold blast. It was FREEZING.
So we went downstairs...
Good god.
Me: "I wish we had a wood stove"
Him: "Heh. No" ...."Do you want to go to a warming center"
Me: "What?"
Him:" You know, like on television, for homeless people?"
Me: "Dude. Get in the basement ...."
He was down there yesterday with Dad working on circuits and wires and pilot lights and crap. Either way, something got flipped or pushed or unlit or something... and my house was colder than the basement.
According to our trusty cider thermometer, our house clocked in at 39 degrees.
Well. It's on it's way to being fixed, but I still have my hat and two pairs of socks on.
oh no! that sucks! hopefully no pipes have frozen.