March 2, 2010

the second job

So I had a dream last night that I had bad feedback on Etsy.
I scurried home from work last night to work out, eat some dinner, and head upstairs to crank out two new tag orders. I had a little "Maggie" tag that looks like the Butternut one online and then an "Hazel" tag that looks like the Sadie tag.

I've realized that doing custom stuff is difficult, because you're trying to hold up the expectation of the buyer based on something you've done once and hope to repeat. It's fine, but everytime I do a replica, I'm wondering if they'll be dissappointed that it's not JUST what they saw. (I mean, of course it's not...but blah blah, you know what I mean.) So I spent a hour tapping extra lines/stars into a little flower design to make it just so. I also need to learn when to STOP and let it be. 1 hr of work for $9.00 pay, not including supplies? Hm. I need to get better at this....

So anyway, we'll see. I sent out the prototype tags along with my first real order-- Jezzebelle from Portland, OR. And so far, no feedback from her. It was a cute tag, so I hope she likes it. But half of me is dreading that she'll get it and something wasn't JUST SO... Oh well. More realistically-- she just didn't heed the auto-generated email asking for feedback -- we've all done it.

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