February 14, 2010

writers block. or thinker's block. or I don't know....

The naming SAGA continues….

Here's some inspiration... what if something similar to this image was incorporated into my shop name.... ? THEN what do you think the name should be? 

Totally looking for all ideas, as I've been mulling this for like... 2 days. I know I said not to pigeon hole myself into dog stuff, but I see plenty of shops with names that may or may not describe what they sell- Icing101 sells dresses, BirdandBloke sells photographs... 

 I'm feeling something worn and vintage but not 50's. Maybe with references to dogs, but not totally doggy. Earthy but not earth-mother, French but not foofy. Comfy but not too sloppy. Like Anthroplogie without the copyright violation.... If I go with the pic below, maybe something that references what is 'happening' if that makes any sense? 

DISCLAIMER: Below are some ideas I was tossing around. If you think this will influence you, maybe scratch down your ideas before you let me know!

something with the word Rustic ( this was prior to the picture. but does this conjure up log cabins... maybe? Yes.)
Pastoral (i just like this word)
TerrierDeTerre (i like the french vibe)
ThePastoralPoppy (a bit too... pastoral and unrelevant?)
TheCopperPoppy (maybe. but my stuff isn't just copper. or poppies. or ugh...)
Terrier&Squirrel (i like where this is going, but it's too obvious)
Peasant & Peony (this was a thought before the dog pic)
indieTerrier (cute, but i'm not very edgy and this seems to be)
DogMeetsSquirrel (again, a bit too blatant. I like where it's going, but i'm not there yet)


  1. out of those, i think the copper poppy is my favorite...rolls off the tongue and sounds cool--and it's only linked to your dog because you want it to be- no one else will assume Poppy is your dog. i've decided that *I* like that name Darby O'Gill's Soap Emporium. But that doesn't fit your vibe, i don't think :o)

    have a fun creative day!

  2. oo i do like darby o'gills soap emporium. I imagine him with a monocle...

  3. I talked to Dad and he came up with Poppycock. I kinda like it...

  4. oh thanks. too late, I guess. Hm... Poppy. Cock. I'm not so sure...
