January 13, 2010


We have old house experience, right?

Totally not haunted, though, right? Right?

Anyway. Jed finally talked to what would be his future boss today and they had a surprisingly good conversation. Surprisingly, I say, because we're trying to keep really low hopes about everything. I'm not saying hope like we HOPE to leave, but hope like... we don't want to get all in a scurry about stressing for nothing. 

Alas, there's no room for stress when you have a FIREPLACE IN YOUR KITCHEN, people!?! 

Doesn't it just look like the b&b I didn't know I always wanted to run? Don't you think that people would just drop by via horse-drawn sleigh for some mulled cider? If we had a house like this, they might, I'm justsayin....


  1. Randy has family in New Hampshire. And if you move there, I'd have family there, too. Good reasons to move there, ourselves :)
