September 13, 2009

change of pace

End of summer calls for some changes around here-- we moved the table from our 'dining' room and made a little seating area where it was. Jed put up the matching chandelier we had stored in our basement for a few years-- swapping out the ugly half-dome thing that was there.
Our little house doesn't offer too many options to re-arrange... but it's nice to see things a little differently every now and then.

Agh! Fall decor already? I decided it was Mid-September already. How did that happen?

Our new 'sitting room'
.The new table area.
Chandelier with autumn berries!


  1. I like having just the 4 chairs with the bench to the side...better for everyday life and looks nice in that space! Very cute :o)

  2. I love this arrangement!
    So bright-the sitting room
    beckons a good book and an
    afghan on a cool morning.
    Add a cup of hot beverage and
    you have a perfect situation!
    You do have a way to make
    things look gorgeous.
