April 23, 2009

Absence, change, work, etc...

Sorry.... sorry, I've been absent for, um, precisely a week. I know, I know... it's been busy around here.

This whole week at work has been complacency lined with lack of motivation as I "gear up" for my new role and the close (ahem, I mean reduction to part-time hours) of my office. Starting Monday, I make the big trek up to our North office = a 45-minute commute, a new territory, new office, new coworkers and underlings.... new manager... and just change in general. I anticipate seeing what I'll think of the whole thing, and I really do hope that my motivation and happiness return, and I again feel refreshed and recharged at work.

Tonight, I was at a dinner with some other girls, and the subject of work came up. I was explaining my new role, with the standard amount of hesitation and normal lack of enthusiasm I think is pretty acceptable in the business world when the euphemism of 'change' is shrouded in words like 'promotion' and 're-organization' and actually means closings, layoffs, and awkwardly executed decisions. I had to reassure them that, no, this wasn't a fabulous stepping stone to the next rung up in the organization, and ... well... no... actually, it wouldn't land me a great promotion or transfer to another fabulous office in an even more fabulous location. No... actually it was just a longer commute and other stuff to learn...

So one of the girls asked me... "what would you do if you didn't have to do this?" And seriously, I had no answer. Without sounding ridiculous... (live in a cottage in France, make baguettes, and farm goats and lavender..) I was completely empty-handed.

I like to make myself feel better because they've all chosen very...... 'what do you want to be when you grow up" careers... you know... teachers, veterinarians, marine biologists... that kind of thing. And of course, got a few... you'd be good ats, and... eh. I don't know.

For awhile, maybe I'd do nothing. Then I'd probably feel poor, stircrazy, and completely sick of cleaning my bathroom that refuses to LOOK clean even after being clean, that I'd work some minimum wage job at a 'cute little' shop. And after that, who knows?

But all this talk is for nothing... the point is moot (pronounced MOOT not MUTE, as I discovered today via Google, as it was mispronounced on a conference call, not once, but twice, and I was so distressed that I had to look it up THAT SECOND, fyi.)

Maybe I'd be a professional doggyblogger.

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