January 18, 2009

the dress

So, for my birthday, my dear sweet husband took some notice on a pre-visit Christmas visit to one of my favorite stores of all time, Anthropologie. I was breezing by some racks and spotted this most beautiful pomegranate-colored dress. It was a sheath style, with a little silk ruffle around the neck. The color was just... so rich. In passing, I mentioned how beautiful it was... and promptly forgot it. Too expensive.

Well.... it appeared in a box, all wrapped up for my birthday.

It's a scary thing receiving clothes as a gift. Especially dresses. Or pants. The fit is so critical, and it's so easily messed up.

It was beautiful on the hanger. It was beautiful to the touch. But on... it seemed to do that hip-pucker thing right below the side zipper... and we didn't think it was an ironing problem. Otherwise it fit perfectly. But it just didn't look... perfect.

So, back it went. It was such a beautiful dress, but obviously it didn't fit well on others either, as it joined one in nearly every size back on the rack. I wish it would've ended differently, but it was just too pricey to "hope" I'd wear it one day.

It's funny, Jed had to do the classic guy-buying-clothes-for-wife move at the store.... asking the clerks what size he should get and fielding questions like "is she busty?" Heh.

Oh well... things don't always turn out like the movies, but the thought really count on that one. And now I have store credit... I already have my eye on something for a little trip we're considering...

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