September 24, 2008

Back on Track.

Ok. I guess Summer is over. I admit it. I've been holding off buying mums and hanging the leafy wreath on the front door.... it's 80 degrees out, and I'm still putting that sunroof back on my *new* car, but I admit, it's Fall.

So it's time to get back on track. The summer break I've been taking from eating healthfully and exercising is drawing to a close. Starting yesterday....

The Commitment: Workout 3x per week. Either at the gym or with the dogs- running. Eating- more healthy- no junk food, no 5 handfuls of jellybellies, no more "just a chocolate here and there" throughout the day.

The Timeline- so far, until Saturday. And then I'll renew it. I think shorter goals work better for me.

So last night: followed the plan. Went for a 30 minute run after dancing with the stars with the pooches...

One day at a time to getting back into the habit...

1 comment:

  1. I like the short goal idea...might work for me too!

    I've been throwing away 1/2 of the yum (donut, cake, etc) that I would typically snack on at work. It's really cut down the craving for the snack, period.

    When I see my snack in the garbage, I always think of the S&theC episode where Miranda throws the choco cake in the garbage and, when she starts to eat crumbs OUT of the garbage, dumps a bottle of soap on it so she for SURE won't eat it.

    ...that might work for me. :o)

