June 8, 2008

That kind of weekend...

the 85 degree, 90% humidity, inevitably frizzy hair kind of days. It was hot... But, with the air conditioning on, we cleaned the house, I mean CLEANED the house- wiped down baseboards, swept under the bed, hung the sheets out to dry... moved around the bedroom. And you know what- there is nothing like moving around bedroom furniture to make you feel liked a changed person. It's nice to feel like things are different-- I think I've been a bit ruttish lately.

I picked pink peonies from the back of our yard, and we have vases of them-- a small vase by the bedside, a huge vase on the table... they are gorgeous and profuse-- flowers with pale pink and salmon interiors and lush fringed edges. They are just beautiful. If I had an early summer wedding- peonies it would be.

I am so not ready to go to work tomorrow. It's like on the weekends I'm able to escape to a non-work, non 8-5 life and pretend I can clean, decorate, cook, plant, garden-- whatever... and forget about Monday. But it comes. It pays the bills...

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