January 19, 2008


Not that I have much experience with it... Three days, to be exact.

Twenty-eight seems to be a weightier age than 27. It's so much more "late" twenties.... In other words, just one more year towards the ticking timebomb of 30.

Twenty-eight is so unabashadly adult. It's a job, a house, a marriage.... its the possibility of a family, of future. It's such a "mom" age. Sigh...

In the same unbelievable breath, so much and nothing has changed for me.

I think back to 22, 24... After college, hating my job, being single, hoping for the impossible-- scheming daily of how to skip the country and find my perfect life overseas...

Twenty eight is a more settled place and not always in that kitchy compromised way. Believe me... there are still dreams out there... some of which I am sure will never come true.

But at the same time, I am sure that some things will happen in the next year that I haven't ever dreamt would happen....

So it is...
Cant' stop listening...
And so it is... like you said it would be, life goes easy on me, most of the time...
Damien Rice

1 comment:

  1. ah. I see you've found yourself listening to Damien Rice. It's about time. I had an obsession with him for a long time, and he started my love for Irish folk rock. It's amazing :)
